Caries Disease Awareness Month: Tips for Avoiding Cavities

By Dr. Iana


Dental caries (also known as tooth decay or cavities) is the most common non-communicable disease in the world. In an effort to raise awareness about cavities and how to prevent them, October has been named Caries Disease Awareness Month.

Despite their prevalence, it’s important to understand that caries aren’t inevitable. You can take steps to prevent cavities by making wise choices about what you eat and drink, as well as by using specific products designed to help protect your teeth.

Understanding Dental Caries

Dental caries develop due to an imbalance of bacteria in your mouth. As bacteria feed on the sugars you eat, they produce acids that erode your tooth enamel; over time, this erosion causes the formation of cavities.

Caries can cause pain and discomfort, affect the appearance of your smile, and can even impact your overall health. Although it’s still not completely understood, research has increasingly pointed to a connection between dental caries and serious health conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Foods and Beverages to Avoid to Prevent Cavities

Preventing cavities starts with good dental hygiene and making healthy dietary choices. Here are some common foods and beverages you should make a point to enjoy in moderation or avoid entirely:

· Alcohol: Alcohol can contribute to dry mouth, which fosters bacteria growth and increases the risk of enamel erosion and cavities.
· Soft Drinks: Carbonated beverages, including soft drinks, are acidic, and they often contain sugars for bacteria to feed on. Dark-colored sodas can also stain your teeth over time.
· Citrus Fruits: Although citrus fruits have numerous health benefits, they’re acidic and high in sugar. These acids, combined with the acids produced by bacteria, can weaken enamel and make your teeth more susceptible to cavities.
· Starches and Refined Carbohydrates: Foods that are high in starch and refined carbohydrates, such as bread, chips, pasta, and crackers, can be harmful to teeth because the starches break down into simple sugars. Bacteria in the dental plaque then feed on these sugars and produce acids that erode the enamel.
· High-Sugar Candies: Candies, particularly those high in sugar, are a significant concern for oral health because they provide a ready source of food for bacteria. For this reason, it’s best to avoid them as much as possible.

CariFree Products for Cavity Prevention

While regular brushing and flossing are essential for oral hygiene, they don’t address the underlying imbalance that causes cavities. CariFree pH-elevated products are formulated to alter the chemical balance in your mouth and are scientifically proven to prevent cavities. We offer CariFree toothpaste and mouthwashes with varying fluoride levels to suit your needs. With my favorite being the CariFree mouth spray, you get fresh breath anytime you are on the go while fighting bad breath and caries. 

If you have questions or would like personalized guidance on preventing caries, don’t hesitate to reach out. I can help you create a customized action plan to reduce your caries risk and maintain a healthy, radiant smile.

Iana Elledge
DMD Dentistry
Tufts University School of Dentistry
Member: ADA, TDA, AACD